Patrol LeaderMatsuyama Patrol(preparation to recognize Matsuyama Chapter)
Registered member: 23
Matsuyama patrol was started first in one of the best downtown, Matsuyama of Ehime Prefecture on June 28, 2003.
Matsuyama patrol is scheduled to develop various activities like anti-crime patrol, an environmental beautification campaign in the downtown, and participation in an event of the community.
The age composition of Matsuyama patrol is wide range of age group from the high school student to the golden age.
Of course, a female member is also assigned to Matsuyama patrol.
Everyone makes use of each element and takes an active part at ordinary activities.
These are not a particular person's activities.
You can do Guardian Angels activities if you have in your mind that you want to do something for the community and help someone in trouble with class.Please join us if you are interested in Matsuyama patrol Moreover, we express our best regard to everyone who support us up to now.
Matsuyama Patrol wants to take an active part every day so that Matsuyama City may be a safer and more secure city than now.
We appreciate your continued support.
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